Oh Mehico how I love thee. Everything about you. Your people (albeit some people like to give your country a bad rap) Your Music, Your Culture, YOUR FOOD and YOUR BEACHES. Of course there is also your rich Mayan history which was really brought to my attention in my recent trip to Cancun. This being my first trip to Cancun I wasn't aware of how many Mayan people lived in the area. Although I never made it to Cancun proper during my vacation I think I enjoyed seeing the REAL Mexico over going to the Americanized city that is Mexicos Las Vegas.
Well here we have it.. The great Chichèn Itzà ( Chicken Pizza if you can't pronounce that ) lies in the DEEP flats of the Yucatàn. It took us 4 hours via tour bus to get here and the ride was.. well long.. boring.. not much but long fields like the Savannas of Africa. We had a short pit stop to eat and play at one of the local Cenotes. It was probably one of the coolest things I have done to date. Some pictures of where we played...
That was one the stops of the RedBull Cliff diving last year
So after playing a bit we finally arrived at Chichèn Itzà. Not knowing anything about this Sacred land other than it was filled with lots of Mayan history I was ready to take a tour and learn everything there is to about this wonderful place. As soon as you walk through the ticket booths you get swarmed with teeny bopper vendors trying to lure you into their parents tables.
And this lasts about 5 minutes of walking down this long path and all of a sudden BOOM
There she is. This huge Pyramid by the name of Kuculcan. As you can see unlike the pyramids of Egypt this and all the other pyramids of the Maya are flat on top. This is due to the Temple being on the top of each one. Whilst on the tour I learned that the Kukulcan temple was pretty much a calendar for the Maya. Each side of the pyramid consisted of 91 stairs. 91 stairs X 4 sides = 364 plus the temple at the top made it 365. Which equals the days of the Haab Calendar year.
I also went on to learn that there was A LOT of death happening in this place. Like ALOT.. like enough to have a whole temple for sacrifices. Along with el Cenote Sagrado this is were all the killing.. I mean sacrifices took place.
The day went on and I learned more.. pics can tell the rest.
And of course I can't end this without showing you pictures of Tequila :)
Love all those pyramids.. I saw some at Tulun... but not the ones you saw. Glad you two had a good time.